I have it on good authority that that is not Assange. Assange is in Witness Protection. Overall, recognize this for what it is, an incredible putting the story together. I see a photographic image of Warren Buffet. One of the things that made me question the whole Seth Rich story other than no death certificate was a photograph of Warren Buffet playing with an adolescent Seth Rich. Perhaps it was a birthday party or a bar mitzvah but it was almost certainly in Omaha which is the home town of Mr. Buffet and the Rich family as well as the location of Offut Air Force Base which was the principal hub for the Bush, CIA, Cabal drug operations. Warren Buffet was the money manager and money launderer for the Cabal. It is a reasonable supposition that Seth’s father was connected to the drug operation. Amazing stuff. You find out we live in a universe of lies, it’s like turning over a snow globe. Nearly everything we have been told about everything throughout our history is the opposite of the truth and many whether it’s Winston Churchill or Queen Elizabeth or FDR or Seth Rich are villains not heroes.

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Thanks for sharing. Very interesting information. Its so hard to know what the truth is anymore.

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It was never easy. Benjamin Fulford put out a list titled 72 things they lied about. It’s nearly everything: the Warren Commission Report, the 9/11 official story, Covid, the killer non- vaccine vaccines, the establishment of the Federal Reserve, our entry into World War I, Pearl Harbor. One of the biggest falsehoods is the mortgaging of this nation to the London Banking cartel, i.e. the Rothschilds and the Crown in 1871. With the Organic Act of 1871 this nation went from being a Constitutional Republic to a corporation. I finally saw the documentation of Donald Trump being inaugurated by the military at Andrews Air Force Base on January 20, 2021. It describes him as the nineteenth President of the United States. Lincoln was the sixteenth, Johnston seventeenth and Grant was the eighteenth President. Everyone after Grant was the administrator of the corporation. They have lied to us about everything whether it’s the Gulf of Tonkin or the Beatles, all false creations, all comprising a false reality. Fortunately, it is being dismantled.

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George, you are incredible. I remember reading and watching your youtube videos when all of this was going on in 2016. Incredible all that you and Jenny and the others have put together. Thanks for all your hard work and thanks to Jenny for seeking the truth, at the expense of her life.

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