Mr Webb or Staff Supporter:

Almost by chance I recently priced the Awan/ Midnight book and the last copy on Amazon is $500.00 !!!

I have offered before to buy the full set of Webb books and multiple copies of some.BUT HOW?


It looks like reprinting is needed. As a graphics guy I could help coordinate.

Yours in the Matrix. PH

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$500.00? Oh my. I wanted to buy a copy---Too rich for my blood.

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Off topic George but I found this interesting. Is she admitting ultimate defeat and end of Is or something else. Given how powerful we are told how Hezbollah is, or is she referring to something else? "Greater Israel"? Or the demise of the Rothschild state?

Go over to Gab and note how Adolph H is being framed as a "Great Man"--with all sorts of family oriented propaganda--Neo-Not See kinda stuff. Quite disturbing.

Here's her video.


God Bless.

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Interesting! Where can I buy this book, Deep State Mate? It isn't available on Amazon and nowhere else on the web either (2nd July 2024).

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I imagine AI helped you summarize this. Which Language Model and extraction tool did you use, George?

~Connie Bevan~

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