
here is a comment from a longtime subscriber who wishes to remain anonymous.

Hi, George!

Your show with Peter yesterday was really amazing! Peter seemed to be so excited about the publishing of his new book, and you were there to support him every step of the way.

Looking back, George, as the days and years have gone by, you have always “been there” to help the people with whom you have been connecting. Your national and international audience members have been inspired as they have enjoyed seeing your very generous spirit in action, George. For just a few highlights:

You helped Jason to reach many more viewers on his channel as you invited your audience members to join you both on your very exciting adventures together.

You generously donated to Lee’s citizen journalism scholarship program, as you were spotlighting his academy.

You made a generous donation to help Robert David Steele.

You collaborated with Taskforce in your mutual investigations.

You helped John to establish his channel

You helped Mark to establish his channel

You helped the Neighborhood News Team to establish their organization.

You helped Addy to further his career and you helped him to increase his earnings.

You collaborated with Paul, you helped him to reach more viewers on his channel, and you helped him to navigate through his academic twists and turns.

You helped Tommy to reach more viewers on his channel.

You have made more appearances than any other guest on Jesse’s Missing Link show, and you have helped Jesse to reach more viewers on his channel.

You helped your friend to receive her transplant.

You have been helping

the Breggins and Dr. Ruby as they have had to endure the injustices of tactical lawfare.

You helped Karma Doc through a horrifically devastating time in her life, and you helped her to restore her family farm.

You are helping Veterans with therapy horses—including “Sterne the anthrax horse.”

You have been helping Peter to reach more viewers on his channel with your awesome 3 X per week show.

And yesterday you helped Peter to introduce his first book. It was really great fun for your audience members to watch yesterday’s show, George, and to share in all of the excitement going on there!

Rock on, George!

You’re The Greatest!

God bless you!

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Please do a dive into why it is that Scott Ritter was and remains so adamant in declaring Gonzalo Lira was an agent of the SBU; even while he was missing and on the run with no means to refute these charges. Is Ritter a controlled op and compromised due to his felony convictions?

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This remains a mystery to me, too. Anything and everything is possible behind the curtain and in the shadows. If Ritter's right, one can only hope that Lira cut a deal and he or his family was protected? I can't see Ritter benefit from any protection. He's flapping in the wind on those convictions (under appeal and framed?). Doesn't look like he has much to gain by calling out collective West aggression. IDK.

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Yeah George, my Daddy also fought in The Philippines during WWII (He wasn't; even American---Canadien Mohawk Indian)and my Grandaddy fought the Bolsheviks in Siberia in 1917----Woodrow Wilson left them there to die. Both went thru Hell on earth. Were never the same and took to the drink for awhile afterwards. Grandaddy was a "Polar Bear". Both did brutal hand to hand combat.

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Hell on earth, created by masters of war & profiteers. Entire generations of duty-bound, honorable men hyped on heroism by propagandists hell bent on perpetual wars. The fallout of their shell shock on families and subsequent generations is well known to the boomers who grew up in the shadow of post WW2 & Korean War's chronic alcoholism & depression. Indeed, many then spent their senior summer losing the draft lottery and marching off to Vietnam.

Today's generation of veterans, though venerated, are miserably discarded & demoralized by mainstream "priorities". Janet Reno tipped her hand when she pronounced returning vets as national security risks. They hate us. Now Hollyweird will twist reality into mobilization of boots-on-the-ground in a war against our greatest WW2 ally? I can't see how a public indoctrinated & ignorant will have the requisite hatred or physical fortitude to enlist. More likely, millions of military age crimigrants will rally against recalcitrant bitter clingers. SMDH.

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It'a a shame and they're fixing to do it again for, as Lindsay Graham blutered out----'There's $10-12 Trillion dollars in resources in Ukraine and we can't let Putin get to those.'----Grab a rifle Mr. Toughguy-----fake "Veteran" like Mr. Blumenthal.-------Lindsay Graham is just another Barney Fife fake soldier----"Korea? I was across the pond myself---I'd rather not talk about it. I ran the PX Library on Stanton Island with over 2000 books!?"------Quiet Sam episode---1962ish.------In fact I'd propose any and all fighting start with the direct kin of those in Congress and the Senate before one American is tapped for duty. Their children and grandchildren first. Draft? Start with them.----Yeah, messed em both up fairly well. Tough men, the both. Daddy & Grandaddy---RIP.

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Not a fan of Mr. Hanks other than his work in "Saving Private Ryan."

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Very much appreciate your pursuit of truth against such established "facts". People are entranced by the rectangular face in their living rooms (and probably every room in the house). The BS is truly nauseating.

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I started following Gonzalo Lira in 2008. I found his assessment of the Financial Crisis and government response of free and loose monetary policy, which he predicted resulted in hyperinflation very credible. While timing is everything, and we’re not there yet, I don’t think he was wrong. The macro dynamics indicate hyperinflation in our future.

Gonzalo was a down to earth commentator. He told us the truth from his perspective and his perspective was often spot on. That’s why Zelenskyy killed him.

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Hanks has been dead for years. Spielberg is dead too. Latex masks or CGI? My vote is for CGI.

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