Nominees owe absolutely NO fealty to the personal, political opinions of inquisitors who spew monotonous lies, slander, libel, false accusations, failed gotchas, unfathomable illogic, fraudulent talking points, histrionics, crocodile tears, blackmail, threats, and extortion like broken records.
By the traitors' demanding commitment to and support of corruption, those venomous traitors politicise the confirmation process against integrity at the same time they claim to be fearful of politicization by others.
Why is CONgress so determined to use gaslighting, black budgets, and black ops to cover-up and support grubmint criminal racketeering ?
each of those traitorous, serial spouters of anti-American propaganda should be impeached, removed from Congress, and imprisoned.
No pensions, no perks, no grubmint jobs, no security clearances, no admittance to federal buildings, no Blackberries, no quarter
Thank you, Senator _____ for praising God and minding our US Constitution.
Please encourage Senator _____ to present a united front for our state - for God and country.
I chose grubmint many years ago for three reasons:
1) It takes one word away from the dictionary of censorship triggers.
2) grub- signifies the gluttonous, voracious, parasitic nature of self-servants.
3) -mint means that when America-haters run out of money they have stolen from us, they print more; so that inflation taxes us, too.
In addition to so many other battles we face, there is an ongoing war on words, stealing true meanings by flipping common sense into nonsensical opposites.
I appreciate the wonderful and beauty of butterflies and rainbows.
I shall continue to use their original meanings, even though thought thieves attempt to commandeer them.
These copyrighted "coins" are also a few others of mine:
Merchants of Death
pland grabbers
ai ain't
one crime = theft
Liberty demands memory.
May we all find ways to spot and name the enemy...
So the last exercise at interception of a high jacked plane may have been compromised by “someone” switching on the drone control to prevent the pilot having any control? That would imply the ability to turn the helicopter into a “bomb” if used to accompany a plane load of people. Or use a plane to kill those in the helicopter depending on the assignment.
Is that the hypothesis? Now we just need the facts. Bet those will be heavily guarded with life threatening issues…
Excellent reporting. Much gratitude, always.
Love you George. I'm praying for God to protect you and task force.
CONgress or Congress ?
The choice is clear.
Nominees are meant to be confirmed based upon merit.
We shall honor our oaths to God and to our US Constitution.
In addition to Pland Grabs© and false-but-deadly-flags, Continuity of Grubmint, which is actually Continuity of CRIME, is attempting to "Blackhawk down" the nominees who want to restore integrity to positions of public service.
Nominees owe absolutely NO fealty to the personal, political opinions of inquisitors who spew monotonous lies, slander, libel, false accusations, failed gotchas, unfathomable illogic, fraudulent talking points, histrionics, crocodile tears, blackmail, threats, and extortion like broken records.
By the traitors' demanding commitment to and support of corruption, those venomous traitors politicise the confirmation process against integrity at the same time they claim to be fearful of politicization by others.
Why is CONgress so determined to use gaslighting, black budgets, and black ops to cover-up and support grubmint criminal racketeering ?
each of those traitorous, serial spouters of anti-American propaganda should be impeached, removed from Congress, and imprisoned.
No pensions, no perks, no grubmint jobs, no security clearances, no admittance to federal buildings, no Blackberries, no quarter
Thank you, Senator _____ for praising God and minding our US Constitution.
Please encourage Senator _____ to present a united front for our state - for God and country.
We demand
reparations, and
from the
Suffer-mongers© and
Merchants of Death©
Thank you
February 1, 2025
correction : Gubment spelled with an
: ) Thank you
Your spelling,gubment, is correct, too.
You may spell government the way you choose.
I chose grubmint many years ago for three reasons:
1) It takes one word away from the dictionary of censorship triggers.
2) grub- signifies the gluttonous, voracious, parasitic nature of self-servants.
3) -mint means that when America-haters run out of money they have stolen from us, they print more; so that inflation taxes us, too.
In addition to so many other battles we face, there is an ongoing war on words, stealing true meanings by flipping common sense into nonsensical opposites.
I appreciate the wonderful and beauty of butterflies and rainbows.
I shall continue to use their original meanings, even though thought thieves attempt to commandeer them.
These copyrighted "coins" are also a few others of mine:
Merchants of Death
pland grabbers
ai ain't
one crime = theft
Liberty demands memory.
May we all find ways to spot and name the enemy...
May we enjoy blessings and protection...
especially Truth Warriors and whistleblowers
Dangerous times for George and Team
February 1, 2025
So the last exercise at interception of a high jacked plane may have been compromised by “someone” switching on the drone control to prevent the pilot having any control? That would imply the ability to turn the helicopter into a “bomb” if used to accompany a plane load of people. Or use a plane to kill those in the helicopter depending on the assignment.
Is that the hypothesis? Now we just need the facts. Bet those will be heavily guarded with life threatening issues…
it would only take less than 7 seconds of mediocre acting to fulfill any
'oh hell i can't control this THIiiiinnnnGGG!!!!' to serve as proof of 'non-intent'.
stay happy George....stay free to breathe and speak....
and stay away from Dick.