I've been noticing the theft by other "outlets". If they're going to steal your work for months on end, I wish they'd quit cherry picking it and spread the whole story. You used to get in trouble for plagiarism.

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We are mad with you, right here in Pennsylvania.

We aren't buying any "lone gunman" BS.

To believe that you would have to believe Oswald was also a "lone Gunman".

We call BS. Thank you for checking the fake news out of Europe so we can follow you, not them.

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John Cullen has done some great work analyzing the gunshot paths with his software, but I noticed he was picking up on George's work in the interview with Prather and calling it his own stuff. It was weird because every time he did this there was a tell: He would lower his head and not look at the camera. I noticed it because I saw the same thing in another Cullen interview with someone else. Well George, the great ones are always out on the leading edge and you are on the leading edge of the leading edge. You are weeks ahead of the alt-news and years ahead of the MSM. Would any of this info come out at all if you and your network were not on the job? I don't think so. The only good thing about others ripping off your stuff is that it gets disseminated through more channels and more people see it. And the best laid plans of mice and men go awry because of it. You are like a disaster-prevention service.

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