Hollywood gave one of the worst performances for the Oscars last night, primarily because it shut out the one anti-war film that spoke truth, A Complete Unknown, and presented a full slate of the most ridiculous “villains are heroes” contortions of truth, like drug cartel leaders getting sex changes in Emilia Perez.
If Hollywood wants to tell the truth about sex in Hollywood, it should start with the sexual compromise of aviation billionaire Howard Hughes and a temptress named the Black Dahlia.
Why does Hollywood just tell the true stories of all the compromising activities it engages in to control entertainment, aviation, and even the space race? Why not tell the story of Howard Hughes’ handler, CIA Agent Robert Mahue, dangling the Black Dahlia, Elizabeth Short, in front of Hughes?
The resulting pregnancy ended up in the murder of the Black Dahlia, with the fetus cut out by infamous CIA doctor George Hodel and the macabre draining of all the blood from the Black Dahlia’s body. Once again, citizen journalism here in Los Angeles brings you the story, not screenwriters who hang out at every coffee shop, missing the CIA truth in Hollywood right under their noses.
The resulting Howard Hughes manipulation by CIA Agent Mahue, reminding Hughes of the Black Dahlia murders at key strategic times, unwinds the Hughes aviation and film empire to Chicago Mob extortionists, forcing Hughes to pay ridiculous prices for their Las Vegas carpet joint casinos.
That’s the true story of Howard Hughes in Hollywood and Vegas. Why settle for the Beverley Hills Golf Course plane crash in The Aviator? I wrote about it in “Echoes of Laurel Canyon”, but Hollywood took a pass and wrote about a Mexican cartel leader getting a sex change instead.
Oh yeah, there was another Black Dahlia who followed in Hollywood: Marilyn Monroe, who came to define the term Blond Bombshell. Monroe also started in aviation in Los Angeles at Radioplane, the first drone plane. But Hollywood didn’t like covering its compromise operations and preferred to retreat to yet another Holocaust movie with The Brutalist.
This is why Citizen Journalism gets the Oscars in Hollywood this year. We came, we did the research, we did the interviews, and we told the truth.
Every scene is shot on site, and everything is true. That’s what Hollywood is missing—truth about itself.
We hosted the son of CIA Monster Doctor George Hodel in San Diego in 2021.
Ironically, the bluff in Pacific Palisades where the founder of the Hollywood Studio System had his studio, Tom Ince, was the same place our Hollywood researchers used to dig up the truth of real Hollywood.
William Randolph Hearst murdered Hollywood creator Tom Ince, and his studios were stolen. Ironically, our Hollywood researchers were burned off the same land a century later, our only crime being an unquenchable desire for the truth.
Bottom line - Hollywood sucks because it can’t tell the truth about itself.