Understanding The Motive For Killing Suchir Balaji
You Only Need To Understand A Little Bit About AI To Know Why Suchir Balaji Was Killed
While taking your 2025 family vacation this year, you see a road sign that says, “Train Your AI, Only Four Years For Under $100 Million”. You think, “Boy, I would love to create an AI Language Model, but I just don’t have $100 Million in cash or four years to spend training the Language Model.”
As much as you would like to create an AI Language Model for the whole family, you just don’t have $100 Million and four years of spare time, so you rule out building a ChatGPT on your trip. But soon you see another billboard that says, “Build Better Than ChatGPT - Only $6 Million”. The company name logo at the bottom of the Billboard is “Deep Seek,” and that’s a new name for you.
But you notice the construction workers aren’t hauling gold anymore; there is silver in the wheelbarrows. You don’t know much about building AI language models, but you already know it will be much cheaper with Deep Seek (and maybe better) than ChatGPT.
Now you come on another Deep Seek billboard, saying it will only take twelve weeks to build an AI Language Model. Only twelve weeks instead of four years! Wow!
Wow, twelve weeks is much better than four years, so this has been a great road trip. You are just driving down the road, and AI-language models are coming down in price, and they are getting much faster to get up and going.
Note - “Deep Seek” is a real AI company in China that really did create an AI-language model for $6 million. For the purposes of illustration that can build an AI-language model with only dirt, no gold or silver needed, I now create “Deep Six”, a fictitious company. This fictitious company, “Deep Six”, is designed to get you to think HOW a company could use only dirt to create an AI-language model without needing gold or silver.
Now, you see a shocking sign. AI-language model by this new company, “Deep Six,” and the parameters for building an AI-language model are only one week and $250,00!
Wow, that’s a significant change for AI-language models regarding cost and implementation time. But now you are a little suspicious of the low price and the name “Deep Six.” Did they kill somebody to get the price that low?
The twenty-to-one reduction from ChatGPT to Deep Six was believable because you remember how computers, disk drives, and flash memory were once costly. You get out your phone and do some checking. Sure enough, Deep Seek just trained IN CHINA, just trained to be smarter than ChatGPT for only $6 million bucks in record time.
You start remembering Hillary Clinton’s deals with China, and you start thinking someone got the ChatGPT “juice” to China, and now China is knocking off ChatGPT for a twentieth of the development costs. You even become more suspicious Deep Seek is a complete ripoff because when Deep Six is asked who it is, Deep Seek says its name is ChatGPT rather than Deep Six!
If you asked a job candidate for an AI Expert you were hiring in your company what their name was, and every other time you asked what their name was, they told you a different name, you would get suspicious. You ask, “What is your name, and Deep Seek says, “ChatGPT.” You ask again, and Deep Seek says, “Deep Seek.” You ask a third time, and Deep Seek says, “ChatGPT.” This flipping back between split personalities leads you to conclude Deep Seek is a ripoff of ChatGPT.
But what about this fly-by-night “Deep Six” company? Their symbol is a graveyard undertaker. It seems like they play even dirtier than Deep Seek.
And you want to believe in the “Deep Six” price because it is so low, but so soon? You just passed the “Deep Seek” price drop sign. Well, your intuition is probably correct. They did probably have to kill somebody to get to that price.
You get out your phone again, and you learn that this young computer genius named Suchir Balaji did most of the training in ChatGPT for over four years, and it cost $100 Million.
You start thinking, “Hey, maybe someone gave the Chinese a copy of Suchir Balaji’s work product after the four years of work were done—that’s why the price was so low, and the Chinese got their model done so fast.”
And then you read that Suchir Balaji died very suspiciously after a happy Birthday hiking and camping trip, bleeding from the head near a sink, then getting shot in the forehead, then crawling through three pools of blood trying to get help. Then you see an interview with Suchir Balaji’s parents, who tell you his backup device is missing from his apartment.
You start thinking about how “Deep Six” can sell AI-language models so cheaply, even cheaper than the Chinese. They killed Suchir Balaji, and they are just making illegal copies of his work. And you are probably going to be very correct.
We will continue this investigation every day. I will speak again tomorrow night to present my findings in the Suchir Balagi investigation.
I won’t be far from where Nancy Pelosi made all her money, knowing just when to buy Palo Alto Networks before United Health Group was hacked for 100 million customer records.
You can build an AI-language model very cheaply for healthcare if you hack into United Healthcare and get all the health records for free. It would be nice to know Dmitri Alperovich, the DNC hacking expert, in times like these, as millions can be quickly saved.
Questions to ponder -
From "The Mountains of Mourne," by Percy French:
Oh, Mary, this London's a wonderful sight
With people here working by day and by night
They don't sow potatoes nor barley nor wheat
But there's gangs of them diggin'
For gold in the street
At least when I asked them
That's what I was told so I just took a hand
At this diggin' for gold
But for all that I've found there
I might as well be
Where the Mountains of Mourne
Sweep down to the sea
Motive for Killing Suchir
one crime = theft
parasitic pirates steal.
theft of Suchir's Life
theft of Suchir's Liberty
theft of Suchir's Intellectual Property