In 2017 and 2018, I worked with an ex-cop who came to Washington, DC to partner up with me in my investigative digging on the Awan Spy Ring on Capitol Hill. I called this female ex-cop Task Force for her formidable investigative skills. She also had been a caretaker for a woman who said she grew up as the daughter of a man inside the Nazi hierarchy of Nazi Germany.
Several document troves have finally been released about the Nazi’s involvement with bioagents. However, up until the day of publication, researchers such as my research partner Jenny Moore, an ex-cop from California, were considered conspiracy theorists for proffering their eyewitness accounts and reporting.
Jenny Moore, AKA Task Force, had extensively interviewed and cared for a woman who claimed to have grown up as a small girl inside Himmler’s “Circle Of Friends”, and she reported unequivocally Nazi bioweapons programs were moved to the US and NATO countries after World War II.
Now, Nazis and bioweapon research are conspiracy theories no more. Document troves that confirm Jenny Moore’s reporting are now appearing.
Himmler began a massive bioweapons research program at Dachau as early as January of 1942; now, documents show conclusively.
My contention for years has been that NATO adopted many of these programs since their inception in 1949. I had been to Strasbourg, France, to research Prince Bernhard of Holland's Maison Rouge plan to move the IG Fabern death camp to Switzerland and Holland after WWII until a NATO-like structure could be established to continue the research. Once a NATO-like military organization was created, the ex-Nazi would refill their ranks.
When I uncovered a woman named Virginia Benassi at NATO and the WHO worked with mosquitoes in China in 2009 that caused thrombosis and thrombocytopenia was also getting all the DARPA ADEPT (mRNA) bids for Wellcome Trust and WHO before the pandemic, not a peep was heard from the media for this obvious consorting with the supposed enemy of China. When I showed Virginia Benassi conspicuously had the same name as two NATO Intelligence Chiefs, this obvious NATO sponsorship was also ignored.
I instead was roundly criticized by CNN, AP, Forbes, Reuters, and 60 Minutes for picking on the US State Department Diplomatic Security Services Officer, the daughter-in-law of Virginia Benassi, who also worked for the Supreme Allied Commander of NATO and was an athlete at the first superspreader event.
Did no one else see this connection between the WHO and the NATO takeover of the WHO? Weren’t these China “lab leaks” more like NATO “live exercises”.
No mention was made of Virginia Benassi of the WHO, who was getting mRNA DARPA ADEPT bids at the WHO for CoronaVirus before the outbreak, also did the UTMB lab leak training for the Wuhan Lab.
No mention was ever made of the incredible coincidence of Virginia Benassi of the WHO, who was in charge of the training of the Wuhan Lab that leaked, also received the mRNA bids to respond to that leak, an obvious conflict of interest.
And, of course, no mention that such a large joint venture with the Chinese government with NATO and the WHO would need CIA approval. Even more remote was consideration of the possibility that NATO could have adopted these Nazi programs after World War II.
I held a recent X/Twitter space where the name David A. Dean’s name and his purported wife Brenda J. Dean came up along with the CIA’s long history of cancer research in America and their Nazi roots.
Kurt Blome, “Hitler’s Doctor”, ran a cancer research project called the Nesselstedt Project in Posen, Poland, for instance. Much of this research later seemed to transfer to the University of Rochester in 1949 after the Nazi Medical War Crimes trial.
I will draw on the Nazi programs with cancer that were continued in the United States after World War II later in this article. Just one example of this cancer research appears to be SV40 research being done at the University of Rochester after World War II.
Brenda J Dean features prominently in patents with SV 40 gene therapy patents with Dr David A. Dean of the University of Rochester, New York.
I promised I would republish my deceased research partner's contention that Allen Dulles adopted the Nazi bioagents being run by IG Farben at various Nazi concentration camps.
The drug Thalidomide was developed as an antidote for Sarin gas by Otto Ambros in the Nazi drug testing concentration camps. It is still marketed today as an anti-cancer drug.
In 2017 and 2018 I looked into Task Force’s contentions that American universities and national laboratories had been infiltrated with Nazi bioagent scientists at US national BioAgent facilities, like Fort Detrick in Maryland, Fort Belvoir in Virginia and Batelle national laboratories in Columbus, Ohio.
I have visited all of these facilities many times before and after Task Force’s is death, looking for witnesses and documents that could add light and verification to the Nazi bioweapons to America allegations.