Helter Sheltered - Part Six - When A Naked Girls Pool Party Bus Turns Deadly
LAPD Had Trouble Connecting Three Murders With Blood Writing On Doors With Word "Pig" That Happened Three Weeks Apart
The number one risk of renting one Charlie Manson’s Naked Girls Pool With LSD Party Bus, Charlie’s Angels if you will, was that you might become an angel after the pool party.
The Manson bus had an emblazoned “Hollywood Productions” sign, although Hollywood was mispelled as Holywood to give a witchy vibe to the bus.
With over thirty beautiful women living on the Spahn Movie Ranch, there certainly was a lot of LSD Production to spread around Hollywood.
Charlie Manson was the bus driver for an early version of “Hollywpod Girls Gone Wild”, partying at the pools of Moma Cass and record producer Terry Melcher, downing and selling big quantities of LSD and mescaline.
Is this Helter Skelter or Helter Sheltered? And the part nobody wants to be honest about is two of the people killed by the Mansons, Jay Sebring and Voytek Frykpwski, along with Manson male Tex Watson, where the key advance men setting up the LSD pool parties.
Jay Sebring and Tex Watson were the hair stylists to the stars, but also there drug connections. And Sharon Tate always was the LSD rape victim - 72 separate video recordings
And many times these pool parties were at Roman Polanski’s house where Sharon Tate was raped by several men at once, being filmed by Roman, while she was plied with LSD.
And this LSD operation just happened to be financed by the Folger family of San Francisco, as was the free health clinic giving put LSD that the Folgers sponsored The Folgers also financed Charlie Manson’s two “Spiral Staircase” princess palaces, one in San Franciso, and the other in LA.
So were all the Sharon Tate killing victims really complete random strangers to Charlie’s Angels Hollywood Girls Gone Wild Bus, or was it an intel agency sending in a cleaner to wipe dpwn an CIA LSD seeding operation?
Consider the fact the LAPD couldn’t put together three murders in the span of three weeks where a form of the word “PIG” was written in blood on a door or a wall.
Consider the LAPD raided the Manson Spahn Movie Ranch a few days after the murders, and then let Manson and the other twenty five arrested go without questioning them.
Even though Manson was violating parole with several weapons at the Spahn Ranch and had numerous underage girls there. And Charlie Manson had numerous stolen credit cards in his pocket.
Could none of the women tell the police that Charlie was the leader? Up to potentially forty-five witnesses at the Spahn Ranch might have seen the news about Bobby Beausoleil killing their LSD drug cook, Gary Hinman. Could the police not show a picture of Bobby Beausoleil to the women at the Spahn Ranch to ID him?
Gary Hinman was killed by five Manson Family members, including Bobby Beausoleil and Susan Atkins. Would none of the thirty-eight people at the Spahn Ranch be able to recognize a picture of Bobby Beausoleil or Susan Atkins?
During the first murder of Gary Hinman, Manson's male Bobby Beausoleil called Manson at the Spahn Ranch, connecting the foot soldiers of Manson’s troupe to the head of the LSD and mescaline operation, Charles Manson, at Spahn Ranch..
Notice that the date of August 8th, 1969, is the date of the press announcement about Manson’s drug cook being murdered, which happens the same day the Sharon Tate murders occur. The LSD drug operation in antiwar Music Hollywood is being shut down.
The Bobby Beausoleil phone call to Manson shows in phone records the murder consultation between Beausoleil and Manson for the first Hinman murder, two weeks before the Tate and LaBianca murders.
This phone call in preparation of the Hinman murder is all that law enforcement needed to arrest Manson on suspicious of conspiracy to commit murder.
No, it wasn’t Helter Skelter. Manson and his Charlie’s Angels were Helter Sheltered by an intel agency that didn't want their Hollywood LSD drug seating operation exposed.
At least thirty young women lived on Spahn Movie Ranch and participated in naked pool parties in Hollywood, fueled by LSD.
We tried to reenact the Manson party bus,” Hollywood Girls Gone Wild” vibe by renting a bus in LA and going to all the Manson location, but a miscommunication led to a very large, boring white bus being rented that couldn’t be driven under the tree at the Tate Murder site in Benedict Canyon.
RFK was assassinated only 2 months before Sharon Tate. Who was the girl in the poka-dot dress? Any relationship to Charlie? From the book, Chaos, it seems there was a lot of agency involvement with the programing of humans surrounding his murder, even including Rosy Greer. Were the Tate murders part of the mop up, like happened after JFK's assassination? Thank you, George for connecting the dots!
...... george IS QUINTESSENTIAL to bringing this nightmare into wakefulness . AUTHORITIES from the FBI all the way down to local police & local media steered us all towards a 'Hollywood Fantasy' of smoke & mirrors, a creation of our own CIA, that george fingers as the ' compromising agent ' for a hidden Deep State - - we normies had no-chance of figuring out THAT scenario in a million years . . . ......... blessings george