It would probably be more straightforward if I just said General Curtis LeMay and CIA Operative Reeve Whitson pulled Charlie Manson and his “Family” out of a penitentiary to infiltrate the Laurel Canyon Vietnam antiwar music scene and kill off the music stars one by one through overdose or poisoning.
That’s what I believe happened in the waning days of the 1960s to characterize the antiwar crowd as drug-addled and, in some cases, uncontrollably violent. The vast number of overdoses is easy to explain, but I believe another tag-and-trace technology was being tested - plutonium. But whether my theory of plutonium as a secret way of tagging and tracing subversives pans out or not, there is no question that LSD was used to drug smear the Vietnam antiwar movement.
Why would you use plutonium to track and trace subversives? Strategic Air Command General Curtis Lemay suspected Russian spies in the United States that infiltrated the Vietnam antiwar movement were trying to sneak into Strategic Air Command Air Force Bases to sabotage B-52 bombers with their nuclear payloads. LeMay could trial the plutonium slow kill program because intruders and subversives were on his turf where he was making plutonium bombs and testing Atlas rockets.
If LeMay used plutonium to slow-kill subversives with cancer, then the CHAOS program could be kept completely Top Secret.
To show how plutonium can kill, we will highlight the young deaths of Laurel Canyon next to Mt. Lookout Air Force Base. Again, I understand the argument that just LSD was used to stop the Vietnam antiwar protestors.
The first suspicious Laurel Canyon death was Gary Hinman, the LSD cook for the Manson Family, on July 27th, 1969, by Manson cadre members including Bobby Beausoleil. Remember, Bobby Beausoleil was part of the team in Haight Ashbury handing out LSD at the Folger Free Clinic with Charles Manson. The heiress to the Folger fortune would become a victim of Manson a few weeks later. Clean up on the LSD operation for both Haight Ashbury and Laurel Canyon with one murder?
When you kill your LSD cook that has been providing you free LSD for your Manson Family naked girl pool parties at Moma Cass’s house along with Roman Polanski, you know you are probably winding up the compromise operation reasonably soon. The same day that the Gary Hinman murder by Bobby Beausoleil became public, the Sharon Tate murders followed that evening.
Perhaps the Sharon Tate and company murders quickly followed on August 8th because Manson thought Beausoleil would talk about Manson's LSD seeding program of Los Angeles’ pool party scene with his naked girls.
Why is there such an effort by law enforcement with the LAPD, FBI, and CIA Agent Reeve Whitson not to associate the killing of Manson’s LSD cook with the Manson murders? Because everyone will figure out it is an LSD compromise operation of the Vietnam antiwar music scene?
After the Manson murders in August 1969, the Laurel Canyon musicians who knew Manson started dropping like flies. But yet Manson is let go after his arrest after three days at the Spahn Ranch at Santa Susana.
Why was Manson released three days after his parole violation with stolen credit cards, underage girls, and automatic weapons, so that he could escape 120 miles away to Death Valley?
This was done to disassociate Manson from Santa Susana and the nuclear facility.
The three murders of Hinman, Tate, and LaBianca are obviously all connected, but LAPD, CIA, and FBI deliberately keep them separate from the public to disassociate Santa Susana Nuclear Facility from the crimes. Three different walls where “PIG” is wiped in blood in the space of two weeks are connected crimes.
But Manson was arrested on October 12th, 1969 in Death Valley at the Barker Ranch after being let go at the much closer Spahn Ranch. Why the catch and release of Manson other than to shoo him away from Santa Susana, 120 miles away in Death Valley? Who does all the killing of the Laurel Canyon music stars if Manson is in prison, because most of those murders occur after Manson is arrested? If you have followed our researchers, you know we have proposed the real cult serial murderer personality, Robert Allen Hale, as the most likely suspect for the JFK witness murders and the Laurel Canyon murders that follow Manson’s arrest.
We have looked at Robert Allen Hale many times before who in many ways was the real Manson-type cult leader.
His father, IB Hale, and Robert Allen Hale had Top Secret access to Santa Susana plutonium reactor labs because their Atlas ICBM rockets were being tested there. Robert Allen Hale had many murders of women under his belt by this time, starting with blowing the head off the daughter of Governor John Connelly of Texas.
Robert Allen Hale was also trying to break into the Laurel Canyon music scene at the time as a guitarist under the name “Sunshine”. Robeert Allen Hale brings means, motive, and opportunity together, coupled with a long history of murders of women.
The first suspicious death occurring after the Manson arrest was Alan “The Blind Owl” Wilson, who had his home burned down while living next to Joni Mitchell and Graham Nash, and then overdosing at 27 in 1970.
Yeah, we had better chalk the Blind Owl’s death to an overdose and not plutonium poisoning for now. A few days later, Janis Joplin died in Laurel Canyon. Overdose again.
Was Manson and his “Family” infiltrating the Vietnam antiwar music scene, then killing? Not anymore. Manson was in prison. The new killer had to be a cult leader with the same leadership style as Manson with access to Top Secret Santa Susana plutonium reactors.
Could it be that plutonium was used for tracking and tracing subversives because plutonium stays around in the body for decades, is detectable with a simple urine test, and with plutonium’s half-life can even be used to read out when the first exposure occurred? We better not mention Bob “The Bear” Hite’s early death at 36 while living in Laurel Canyon here. Yet another overdose.
We also better not mention that Curtis LeMay wanted to kill all the rockers of the Vietnam antiwar movement as “Russian spies” at this point. We will move on and call it another overdose.
General Curtis LeMay, head of Strategic Air Command, was convinced the Vietnam antiwar protestors were being lead by Russia agents intent on sabotaging his B-52 nuclear bombers. We won’t mention Jimi Hendrix dying a year later in London in 1970, and his girlfriend being thrown out of a window in New York.
Didn’t Jimi Hendrix’s manager say he was murdered, and didn’t he die in a suspicious plane crash a few years later?
Of course, Jim Morrison of the Doors, another Laurel Canyon resident, was soon to follow Jimi Hendrix the next year in death in 1971.
Our researchers believe LeMay instituted the plutonium tracking and tracing program near Santa Susana plutonium nuclear plants and ICBM facility, guarded by Charles Manson and Family. We don’t think this was good for the health of the residents of Laurel Canyon since they were considered Public Enemy Number One by LeMay.
Clarence White of the Byrds, another Laurel Canyon phenom, got run over by a drunk driver the next year in 1973.
Graham Parsons also overdosed in September of the same year, and Charlie Manson’s prison buddy, Phil Kaufman, stole Parsons dead body to burn the evidence.
Graham Nash’s girlfriend Amy Gossage was murdered from fifty stab wounds in 1975 after she suspected foul play in her father’s leukemia death of 1969.
Moma Cass, host to all those Manson pool parties with Manson girls jumping naked into the pool and doling out LSD, died in 1974 at age 32.
Keith Moon of the Who died exactly four years later in the same hotel room of an overdose.
Jackson Browne’s wife, Phyllis Major Browne, also a Laurel Canyon regular, died of an overdose in 1976. A lot of death for one music scene, and we should note, the Manson Family still was together at this time with Squeaky Fromme’s attempted assassination of Gerald Ford that would have made Nelson Rockefeller President.
If different isotopes of plutonium were used in protecting different SAC Command Air Force Bases, though simple urinanalysis, you could not only determine the date of exposure but also, potentially, the place of exposure. In the example above, we chose Curtis LeMay’s March Air Force Base in Riverside, California.
Curtis LeMay and his entourage brief President Kennedy. (date unknown)
I recently toured Southern California locations of Charles Manson and his coterie of supermodel girls near Santa Susana plutonium reactors, and my guide was the son of a Strategic Air Command officer whose brother was born at March Air Force Base in Riverside, California.
And before we think Curtis LeMay was too squeamish about ordering the poisoning of potential Russian spies that were intent on sabotaging his coveted B-52 bombers, consider LeMay had an active friendship with Hitler and Mussolini’s henchmen, Otto Skorzeny, in the United States after World War II.
Again, we ask the question. How could Charles Manson be given free reign of the area of Top Secret nine plutonium reactors while being armed on the relatively new invention of the dune buggy with a host of other felons if he wasn’t Helter Sheltered, not a picture of Helter Skelter at all.
We have always felt Manson was the early outer ring of security to shoo off hikers, curiousity seekers, and gold miners away from the Santa Susana facility, but also potential spies trying to get close to the rockets and bombs being built there.
However, Manson and his young minx sexual beauties also lured recording industry artists to the Santa Susana Federal Grounds. At that point, any Federal countermeasure would be legal, not subject to State or Local law. And we know that producer Terry Melcher had many impromptu jam sessions for recording on the Federal land with a mobile music production studio.
The top-secret nature of the plutonium factories would also countermeasure like plutonium and LSD being used to be top-secret in Classified files to this day. I believe these parties accounted for the sudden deaths of many musician and their girlfriends from GI cancers.
Any testing and tracing of musicians on Federal land with plutonium reactors is fair game.
We know that Terry Melcher, the son of Doris Day and an industry recording executive, made frequent trips to the Spahn Ranch with his mobile recording studio.
I will show some industry recording artists who died within days of performing and jamming at Terry Melcher’s mobile music studio at Spahn Ranch.
Manson was released after his arrest at the Spahn Ranch and allowed to move 200 miles to the Barker Ranch in the attempt to dissociate Manson and the the Family of nubile women away from Santa Susana.
I will show some of the girlfriends of the music stars who died within three months of exposure to gastrointestinal tract cancers after their trips to Melcher’s mobile studio in the old movie ranch.
In this example, the sexual lures give out antacid tablets, not LSD laced plutonium.
But what else explains Terry Melcher taking his mobile recording studio to Manson’s Federal land and the Spahn Ranch?
But how about the plutonium blood doping for tracking and tracing? Enter Louis Hemplelmann.
The plutonium blood doping program by Hempelmann came straight from the Manhattan Project.
Hempelmann basically created a plutonium clock in the patients he injected with by creating a power function of the rate of excretion of plutonium over time. These plutonium injection experiments were followed up on after the War, including a twenty-seven-year study of workers at Los Alamos.
Here, in the Helter Sheltered substacks I am writing, I assert that General Curtis LeMay authorized both plutonium and LSD to be used in lacing the Vietnam anti-war movement, primarily through CIA Agent Reeve Whitson and CIA operatives of the Manson Family.
LeMay’s paranoia around Russian infiltration into the US anti-war movement was at the base of approving this doping scheme. LeMay believed in an “active defense” of constantly weakening the perceived opponent in low-intensity warfare. LeMay was also very close to the cabal suspected of plotting the murder of John F. Kennedy, with LeMay famously blowing cigar smoke in the face of the surgeon performing the autopsy of JFK after his body was returned to Bethesda Naval Hospital in Maryland.
We will have more on the plutonium and LSD doping of the Vietnam anti-war movement of the 1960s in future versions of Helter Sheltered, or you can read my seventeen-part series of the CIA in Hollywood entitled “Echoes of Laurel Canyon”. We are working on getting the complete set of Operation CHAOS documents declassified right now, which will detail the plutonium and LSD doping programs.