Helter Sheltered - Part Five, Netflix Misses Missile Murderer
CHAOS Documentary Forgets Where Manson's Ranch Is And When The Laurel Canyon Murders Happen
Before I discuss the new Netflix documentary CHAOS, I want to say unequivocally state the murder victim Sharon Tate was used as a sexual lure for Robert F Kennedy the night he was killed at the Ambassador Hotel.
Her husband, Roman Polanski, was also there to videotape his wife having sex, as he had done seventy two times before, while she was under the influence of LSD.
I have stated Robert Allen Hale not only used Sharon Tate to kill Robert F Kennedy, but Marilyn Monroe, Judith Exner, Judy Meyer, and numerous other women were used by Robert Allen Hale exactly the same way.
The motive for killing Sharon Tate was to cover up the entrapment of Robert Kennedy in his murder. Since Robert Allen Hale was involved with Atlas ICBM rockets both in Dallas and in Los Angeles, the two bookend killing locations of the Kennedy brothers, I have depicted him riding an Atlas rocket between the two killing locations.
Now, on the the recent new release of Netflix’s CHAOS documentary of yet another “Manson killed Sharon Tate randomly” narrative. The first question the police should have asked Charles Manson when they arrested him on August 16th, 1969 at the Spahn Movie Ranch is, “How is you were allowed to live here and party right next to a Top Secret Atlas Missile Test Site without the Government moving you off?”.
Instead of asking Manson who his “snipers in the bushes” friends were that he threatened police with, they instead released Manson three days later to move 120 miles away to the Death Valley Barker Ranch.
Even though Manson was violating parole as a felon, stashing many automatic weapons.. And of course, harboring many underage girls.
It seems like a State Sponsor interceded in the arrest and said, “Get Manson away from the missiles”.
Manson was outfitted with dune buggies and automatic weapons to patrol the outskirts of the Santa Susana Missile Test Site.
We believe the Atlas ICBM rockets of Santa Susana unlock the murders that followed Manson’s arrest and the murders of JFK witnesses while Manson was still in prison before he got to the Santa Susana missile test site.
If I were at the Santa Susana raid, I would start with who was Manson’s “sniper in the bushes”, the man he always threatened visitors with, threatening interlopers that a bead had been drawn on them from the bushes. That sniper had to have a Top-Secret Clearance to the Atlas missile testing facility at Santa Susana.
From there, I would pull the criminal histories of everyone at the Santa Susana site with a Top Secret Clearance. The name of Robert Allen Hale would have come right us, his father IB Hale owning the General Atomics ICBM rockets that were being tested at the Santa Susana site.
Both IB Hale and Robert Allen Hale were snipers for the FBI and CIA, so that would have fit the bill for Manson’s sniper in the bushes. Then, the criminal history of Robert Allen Hale blowing the head off of Texas Governor John Connelly’s daughter in 1962 would have popped up.
Bingo, we found our Manson sniper in the bushes. But it seems Manson was released three days after his arrest to distance him from the Santa Susana Atlas Test Site, and Manson moved 120 miles away to Barker Ranch. Quentin Tarantino even might have told the Robert Allen Hale story in heroic terms in his last movie, “Once Upon A Time In Hollywood” with the CIA Agent character Brad Pitt.
Even a little research on Robert Allen Hale would have shown he was trying to entrap President Kennedy with sexual lures that seem to have a habit of dying after they were used as lures.
Robert Allen Hale even changed his name to “Sundance”, picked up a guitar, and was playing the Laurel Canyon music scene with Charles Manson, doling out LSD to smear the Vietnam antiwar movement as dangerous, murderous, psycho hippies.
Oh yeah, and Robert Allen Hale later went on to have the real Manson type cult, including raping his daughters to have more children, in New Mexico and Alaska.
Author Tom O’Neill stars in the Netflix documentary CHAOS. but never mentions that Robert Allen Hale used Sharon Tate as a sexual lure to kill Bobby Kennedy.
Robert Allen Hale used Sharon Tate as a sexual lure for Bobby Kennedy. Roman Polanski lured Bobby Kennedy to have sex with Sharon Tate at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles right before Bobby Kennedy was murdered.
Wouldn’t killing Sharon Tate keep that witness from talking? Oh yeah, Robert Allen Hale killed other JFK sexual lures as well.
Sharon Tate was from Dallas and was already famous at the age of sixteen, posing on top of a US Army Nike Hercules rocket. Sharon’s father had been a US Army Intelligence officer overseeing the installation guarding the Hanford Nuclear Facilty in Tri-Cities, Washington with Nike Hercules rockets. Colonel Paul Tate was also transferred to Verona, Italy to manage an installation of Nike Hercules rockets when this photo of Sharon was taken for US Army magazine Stars and Stripes.
Was Colonel Paul Tate assigned to protecting the Santa Susana plutonium reactors like he oversaw the missile ring around the Hanford, Washington plutonium reactors? Major Paul Tate was reassigned to San Pedro, California’s Ft MacArthur to manage the Nike-Hercules missile installation about twenty five miles south of Los Angeles when Sharon decided to try to become a Hollywood actress.
Given her father’s missile background and Sharon’s, the missile beauty would surely come up on the radar of the ICBM missile pushing Hale family. With the CIA’s ability to control where Sharon’s father Paul Tate was stationed, Sharon Tate was the perfect sexual lure for Robert F Kennedy.
Several other Robert Allen Hale sexual lures for the Kennedys were intimidated and in fear for their lives.
Judith Exner had her calls wiretapped with the President of the United States, John F. Kennedy. How would Robert Allen Hale have access to those recorded phone calls without the Top Secret Clearance of his FBI Agent father, IB Hale?
Oh yeah, and the Navy Secretary Fred Korth, who approved the IB Hale’s General Dynamics F-111 fighter jet over considerable controversy, had his daughter die in an early, untimely death.
And of course, the original JFK and RFK sexual lure, Marilyn Monroe, met an untimely and suspicious death after an interrupted liaison with Robert Kennedy at Peter Lawford’s Santa Monica beach house.
This case has been very easy to solve from the beginning. Follow the Kennedys. Follow the people using sexual lures to compromise or kill the Kennedys. Then, follow the dead bodies of the dead sexual lures. Easy peasy. Always Robert Allen Hale. Laurel Canyon underground movie studio at Lookout Mountain Air Force Base gave a Top Secret Clearance to Marilyn Monroe, and the top brass there like General Curtis LeMay were always on the lookout for top “talent” to lure the Kennedys.
What explains the Laurel Canyon Death List who all witnessed “Sunshine” spreading his love on LSD into the Laurel Canyon music scene AFTER Manson was in jail?
Robert Allen Hale killed one LSD proxy after another. Almost all the music heroes of the Vietnam War antiwar movement ended up dead before their 28th birthday.
The Laurel Canyon music scene exploding within a few feet of the Lookout Mountain Air Force Base when it was unknown to the music scene just a few years before? The Laurel Canyon Death List is just like the JFK Witness Death List; the victims are all WITNESSES.
Sometimes, you just follow the death bodies around the Kennedys, and all sorts of compromise operations and assassins start popping up.
The Hales, working for General Dynamics, General Atomics, and Chicago Mob kingpin Henry Crown, had an obvious motive in keeping the arms and missile race going with the Soviet Union. One of JFK’s last speeches was the Peace Race, and Kennedy also pulled General Dynamics mercenaries out of Vietnam.
Peace speeches are dangerous to the health of Presidents.
Operation Mongoose was retooled in Operation 35, the sanction to kill President John F. Kennedy. Robert F. Kennedy was killed under this same state-sponsored sanction.
The CIA was given “sanction” powers in Operation Mongoose to carry out assassinations against “National Security Risks” inside and outside the United States. Unfortunately, this power granted to the CIA by JFK and RFK was used to write the sanctions for their murders.
We have taken you to 544 Camp Street in New Orleans, where Otto Skorzeny’s Murder Inc was put in business in New Orleans. We have taken you to Operation Mongoose’s JMWAVE CIA Station where the Kennedys granted the original CIA “sanction” powers.
Our researchers believe that Donald Trump was also almost murdered on yet another sanction derived from the original Operation Mongoose authority to assassinate in this Secure Access Program (SAP). Is it time to release the JFK, RFK, and MLK documents yet, along with key Kennedy FBI Agents at the Joint Chiefs of Staff like Thomas O’Loughlin?
If you pull on the Robert Allen Hale General Atomics thread, all of America’s secret sanctions against its own Presidents and Presidential hopefuls come loose. And the murders of a lot of innocent witnesses are solved in the same stroke as well.
Manson had state sponsorship with not only his first house forgousing many young women called the spiral staircase in Haight-Ashbury, but he had a similar house called the spiral staircase in LA, which could house many women in Topanga canyon when he first moved from a Ashbury to the Los Angeles area.