The CIA conducted a secret war in Western Europe, known as Operation Gladio, after World War II.
The CIA metadata says an Osama Bin Laden II is being created for the purpose of an American Gladio now.
Gladio's operations entailed caching weapons and explosives, sabotage activities, and political assassinations made to look like accidents.
Gladio Operations in Western Europe have been well documented, but subsequent operations occurred with “Gladio B” in Central Europe like Afghanistan and the other “Stans” of the old Soviet Union. The history of Gladio is important because it establishes a precedent for politicians to invoke article 5 of the UN charter for NATO, which can be used to take out political opponents.
Nancy Pelosi may very well have used Article Five of the NATO Treaty to conduct a live exercise for coronavirus in 2020 under the auspices of NATO Defender 2020. So the history of Gladio is very important.
The Munich Security Conference in February 2020 was the lead up to declaring the triggering of Article Five in Mons, France. Pelosi orchestrated the Munich Conference specifically to widen the definition of events that would trigger NATO Article Five including cyberattack and contagion.
Article Five has only been declared twice - 9/11 and Trump February 2020, and we have the video of Representative Susan Davis saying “We triggered Article Five” from the Mons conference.
We have now convened an International conference of researchers in Los Angeles to document this second invocation of NATO’s Article Five in NATO’s history.
NATO is the obvious beneficiary of taking out Trump in February 2020.
NATO had the means, motive, and opportunity to take Trump out during his election year with a CoronaVirus Live Exercise.
NATO‘s article 5 needs to be tripped or triggered in order to begin Gladio operations. We should always look for the triggering of NATO article 5 to begin to look for Gladio operations in the United States and in Russia.
Also article 4 of the NATO treaty provides for consultation before the declaration of article 5 which enables Gladio operations. Article for consultations are also a telltale for when Gladio operations might begin.
Some of the books on the subject include Paul Williams, “Operation Gladio” and Ganser Daniele’s book, “NATO’s Secret Armies”.
Sibel Edmonds’ book, “The Lone Gladio”, is a thinly disguised fictional work of actual Gladio B operations in Central Asia.