Epstein Files - Can We Talk About The DynCorp Tail Numbers Yet?
Every pundit I have met that has written about Epstein, I have asked the same question. And they all gave me that blank stare about Jeff Epstein's US State Department Tail Numbers On His Planes
I have covered the intelligence angle of the Jeff Epstein story for eight years, always going to the receipts of the US State Department and DynCorp tail numbers on Jeff Epstein’s planes.
We have focused on the associates of Jeff Epstein like Steve Feinberg at Dyncorp since 2017.
Steve Feinberg has been cornering the market on AR-15 ammunition for CIA cutout DynCorp with Jeff Epstein and MegaGroup with Lex Wexner.
Jeff Epstein was a “Little Einstein” that hacked into the GTE network for Donald Barr and Bill Barr to do spying on the perceived enemies of Dick Cheney and George HW Bush.
I have always associated Jeff Epstein with a CIA cutout called DynCorp because his planes have DynCorp tail numbers. For eight years, I have tried to get Epstein pundits to look at this obvious intel connection to the CIA and US State Department, but to no avail.
I have shown that N474AW DynCorp, CIA, and US State Department tail number to YouTuber after YouTuber, and it is like I was showing them mercury water. They ignore it. Better for them to blog about the Lolita Express compromise operation, where everyone thinks all the girls were flying over to St. James against their will to be sex trafficked.
The Epstein Files seem to be the ultimate red meat, a dog whistle that diverts attention from Jeff Epstein's real operations. It is ready to work whenever you put your lips together and blow. I have much preferred covering how Epstein wanted to corner key scientists for his role with Lex Wexner and the Mega Group, covering key technology like DynCorp and DynPort vaccines or purloining highly enriched uranium from the old Soviet Union.
But I will let Pam Bondi release all the Epstein Files now so everyone can see if Tom Hanks is really a child molester going to St. James Island. He isn’t, of course, but we will have a few weeks of innuendo before the Academy Awards again instead of really digging into who Jeff Epstein really was, and the role he played for DynCorp and the MegaGroup.
I will let all the Epstein Files trickle out with all their charges of child trafficking, but eventually, we will get back to Secretary of Energy Bill Richardson’s close relationship to Epstein at the Zorro Ranch in New Mexico, for instance. Not that I didn’t go to Little St. James, St. John’s, and James Biden’s Water Island. I did.
Journalist George Webb explores the line of sight from James Biden’s Water Island to Jeff Epstein’s Little St. James Island in Feb 2020.
But you won’t find the exploitative child trafficking that is promised in the Epstein Files. Instead, you will find a lot of young women recruited by Epstein and Ghislane Maxwell who willingly went there to compromise with key scientists and technologists to advance the technological treasure trove of the State of Israel, including intellectual property theft.
The Little St. James operation was state-sponsored from Day One.
None other than Stanley Pottinger, Henry Kissinger's good friend, ran the shakedown for decades against the Johns entrapped on the Island.
The Little St. James operation, like the Stone Mansion in New York and the Zorro Ranch in New Mexico, were compromise operations, not child trafficking operations. Smearing Hollywood elites before the Oscars may be fun, but it isn’t true. These Epstein operations were about gaining Israel's advanced military tech in nuclear and biological agents with vaccines. But I will wait for all the files to drop before the Oscars and Conan O’Brien’s Oscars monologue. Then, we can get back to who Jeff Epstein really was.