In this series, I have written a lot about how cigar-chomping Air Force General Curtis Lemay and his relationship with his frontman, proxy, and runner, Reeve Whitson. Whitson maintained a close relationship with Nazi assassination squad leader Otto Skorzeny, along with tight connections to Mossad-connected casino owner Charlie Baron and Sidney Korshak. But the guys driving the changes in Las Vegas and Hollywood were Korshak and Baron.
Korshak told movie producers like Robert Evans to never bring Kissinger to a party he was at because someone might put the relationship between them together. Was Kissinger luring Nazi investments into Las Vegas with Korshak and Reeve Whitson? Read on.
Was Reeve Whitson a conduit for Nazis in hiding to invest in Las Vegas casinos and even the movie business in the 1960s? We will explore all of Curtis LeMay’s frontman, Reeve Whitson, and his intriguing set of connections to Mossad Godfathers, Manson Murder victims, FBI liaisons, and the Los Angeles Police Department’s secret Intelligence Unit in 1968 and 1969.
Reeve Whitson’s connection to Las Vegas casino magnate and Chicago Outfit mobster Charlie Baron will also be explore more deeply, along with his close Chicago Outfit mob cohort Sidney Korshak. Although not well known to this day, the key man behind making “The Godfather,” Sidney Korshak, is actually one of the Mossad Godfathers who inherited the Las Vegas casinos and movie franchises.
Baron served as a protégé to Democratic Party ward boss Jacob Arvey. Baron was an associate of Meyer Lansky.(see: Peter Dale Scott, 1993:199) He was also a close associate of Patrick Hoy, a Henry Crown employee of General Dynamics who was later able to arrange a job for Sidney Korshak at the Hilton Hotels.[1]
Baron was identified as an associate of John Roselli during the Kefauver Hearings, in the 1950s.[1] According to Jack Ruby and Baron associate Tony Zoppi, Baron knew U.S. Air Force General Curtis LeMay.(see: Peter Dale Scott, 1993:199, 355)
General Curtis LeMay and CIA Agent Reeve Whitson weren’t creating a social club in Las Vegas or Los Angeles where Jews and Nazis could work out their differences and mend wounds from World War II. Otto Skorzeny had been turned by Mossad in the mid-1960s, and he acted as a good between to Nazis in hiding in South America. Nazis in hiding were turning over their aviation and rocket technology along with their hidden, stolen gold from World War II to invest in Las Vegas and Los Angeles through Skorzeny.
The Mossad-connected Las Vegas casino owners like Sidney Korshak wanted to attract Nazi gold investment from South America and other hiding places around the world. Just as Sidney Korshak had emptied the Teamsters Union pension fund in the 1950s with Jimmy Hoffa into casinos from bootlegging profits, now it was the Nazi’s turn to be targeted in the mid-1960s.
Sidney Korshak also went after Howard Hughes’ empire after his death, with much of the wealth being Nazi cash stashed by Hughes's money manager and CIA operative, Robert Mahue.
As you might guess, this is quite the trick. I detail exactly how this was done with annotations in the paid section of this Substack.